Tuesday 8 March 2011

Reflection - Profile Wiki

I wasn’t aware of what a blog or wiki was I had no idea. I was unsure about how to tackle this first activity because I had never participated in one before. When filling out my personal profile and adding it to the wiki it all of a sudden clicked. From completing an entry into the wiki it allowed me to get to know my fellow class members. I was having trouble understanding one of the criteria’s from the assignment and by having this wiki allowed me to contact one of the students from the profile wiki so I could ask for assistance. I felt I learnt a whole new skill. This activity was scaffolded based on a provided template for students to answer questions about themselves. This wiki provided me with information where I could team up with someone with similar interests as me to complete certain tasks.
This particular strategy could be used to support the learning of my students in the future by allowing them to enter personal information about themselves into a wiki rather than a face to face setting, students might feel more comfortable expressing things about themselves via an online wiki. It also allows students to network and interact with one another.
This activity has visible elements of constructivism because social interaction had a large influence on learning (Vygotsky, 1962). It has elements of connectivism because it identifies the networked nature of working with computers and the internet (Siemens, 2005). This activity also shows elements of behaviourism as we were led through step by step instructions on how to create our profile with the end result of placing it into the wiki. I don’t believe there was any connection between this activity and cognitivism. There wasn't a need to create a schema to help memorise the content, the information wasn't classed as important, if I needed to I could refer back to the wiki.
How does this design activity support a diverse range of students? I feel this activity might not be everyone’s cup of tea. Personally, I enjoyed it because I learnt something new and found it very effective, however, if a student has minimal knowledge and experience with ICT they might struggle with completing this activity. I believe you can’t please everyone! This e-Learning activity supports learning by allowing students to learn about one another and for some, learning about something completely new (e.g. using a wiki), some students might not have come across this particular strategy. It’s encouraging a social and positive environment for students to learn in.  

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